Monday, August 2, 2010

Commercial Project: Tynee's Treats

Mondays are always tough. Time is relative, and no further proof is needed beyond the transition from the most recent weekend to workweek. This Monday is no different. However, I saved a little treat from the weekend to make today a little more bearable.

My old pal Jash runs a side business called Tynee's Treats. I recently found a batch of Dark Chocolate Cherry cookies on my doorstep and had the pleasure of sampling them. They were phenomenal, and this is coming from someone who doesn't really dig sweets.

Usually I can make food look better in pictures than it actually does in real life, but I am sure I am not doing these delicious cookies justice with my photography. I doubled my pleasure by taking the creative challenge in addition to eating the cookies. I basically had my cookies and ate them too.

Sweetened my day for sure...

This seems kind of cruel over the internet.

Cookie Pyramid

Deconstructed Photography

Once I nailed standard stock shots, I started to have a little more fun and let loose.

My favorite shot

I sometimes enjoy photographing food more than eating it, but that was not the case with these dark chocolate cherry cookies. Hope you enjoyed looking at my latest photos, and I apologize if they made you hungry.

Until next time, keep shootin'.

1 comment:

  1. the 2 cherries with connected stems reminds me of the risque video gone wrong in the movie Boomerang.
