Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Unadulterated Kidspeak

2011 may be off and running, but I feel as if I have been running in circles for the past few weeks. I am in major procrastination mode as of late but have decided to take the ol' blog for a spin. My to-do list is running long (and longer by the day), but writing has always been a catalyst for getting things done in my life.

I got to spend some time with my 6 year-old niece and her entourage this past weekend. She took an immediate liking to my son. I asked if the baby looked more like me or my wife. My niece paused thoughtfully. To quicken the decision process, I pulled my son up and placed his cheek against mine. Most people seem to think that Lex looks more like his daddy, so I was relatively confident that she would pick me. I smiled a big cheesy smile in anticipation of her choice.

She looked at the two of us carefully and intently. After some time, my niece eventually chose me.

I let out a happy chuckle and asked, "Why?"

"You both have chubby cheeks." = )... = (

I cracked up at her response. A kid will always give it to you straight, and I respect that. My niece is absolutely right, and I respect her honesty. I have been neglecting the G in GTL since my son was born, and I look forward to getting that part of my life back.

Cheeks in question

As for 2011, I do have lots of goals and objectives I wish to reach. However, I don't really believe in resolutions. I am excited about my website in production, and hope for continued growth as a photographer. I've given up on planning every single aspect of my life and checking off boxes as I go.

No resolutions. Just resolve.

And I know it may not seem like it as of late, but I really do not intend this to become a blog featuring photos of my son.