Wednesday, June 9, 2010

the Surreal World DC


This was a random image I captured during a recent shoot. The oddness of the photo just kind of tickles me. I don't mind this kind of levity and actually may desperately need this as of late.

Nothing comes easy in life. Some things that should come easy, don't. There is no such thing as an ideal situation. One that appears ideal usually only is just that, appearance as a fleeting shade of perfection. When we first meet someone or get involved with something, flaws don't readily jump out at us. It's not that those flaws aren't there. Some just take longer to manifest themselves, and your eyes need to get accustomed to the situation. Only when you truly see, can a real decision on a given matter be made.

When we notice things outside of the norm, it tends to surprise us. We are sometimes drawn to those things, as they provide a different way of thinking of or looking at the world. Some people call those things surreal moments. In actuality, those moments are just as much real and a part of what we deem reality as the mundane. As crazy as surrealism can be, it is no more than just another slice of reality.

Reality may not be pretty, but we can live in no other world but this one.

Special thanks to the random guy in a suit who decided to pick up a bird on the street for inspiration.

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